New management organization, 06.23

Neidhart + Schön Group is replacing its previous group structure. As of July 1, 2023, the three business units will operate even more independently in the market and will be managed directly from the Board of Directors. This decision takes into account important developments.

Strong units

Firstly, the megatrends of digitalization and sustainability are significantly accelerating the dynamics in our markets as well and require a focus in the corporate strategy as well as rapid decisions. Critical to success in this respect is a large degree of freedom for the management teams of the respective business units without long reporting lines. Secondly, the strengthening of the business units not only introduces a modern, flatter organizational form, but also places greater emphasis on management teams. In addition to the already established co-management of the agency NeidhartSchön AG, mms solutions ag will also receive a new management structure with a team of three.

Management teams

Olivier Neidhart will remain Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Neidhart + Schön Group and thus retain overall responsibility for the strategic direction of the Group. Reto Schneider, the Group CEO for many years, has decided to leave the company and devote himself to new entrepreneurial tasks. Natalie Huber as former Group COO has already been Co-Head of the NeidhartSchön agency since the end of 2022, alongside Managing Director Michel Gabriel. The new management team of mms solutions ag, consisting of CCO (Chief Commercial Officer) Daniel Schön, CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Rolf Traber and CPO (vacant) is to underline the positioning of mms solutions as a leading Software-as-a-Service (Saas) provider in the field of publishing systems for corporate and sustainability reporting and to meet the requirements of a contemporary organizational form for a growing software company. With Daniel Schön as CCO, another member of the owner families takes responsibility for the future. The print business unit Neidhart + Schön Print will be managed by Hans Preuss, who has been responsible for the print business for many years.

The new management organization will come into effect on July 1, 2023. We would like to thank all those with responsibility, and in particular Reto Schneider, for their high level of commitment and look forward to further successful and dynamic corporate development.