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Persons who access information on the website of the Neidhart + Schön Group AG agree to the following terms and conditions and undertake to comply with netiquette:

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The entire contents of Neidhart + Schön Group website are protected by copyright (all rights reserved). Individual pages and parts of Neidhart + Schön Group website may be downloaded or printed out, provided that neither the copyright marks nor other legally protected names or symbols are removed. Neidhart + Schön Group AG retains all ownership rights to software or other data downloaded from Neidhart + Schön Group website or reproduced in another manner. Full or partial reproduction, transmission (by electronic or other means), modifications, links or use of Neidhart + Schön Group website for public or commercial purposes are forbidden without the prior written consent of Neidhart + Schön Group AG.

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The use of our website is recorded. This serves to compile statistics (Google Analytics) and help us gear our offering even more closely to customers' needs. The recorded information does not contain any details that allow conclusions to be drawn about specific persons.

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Although Neidhart + Schön Group AG exercises maximum diligence to ensure that the information on its website is accurate at the time of publication, it does not provide any guarantee or assume any responsibility for correctness, reliability or completeness. The information and views appearing on Neidhart + Schön Group website may be changed at any time without prior notice.

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Neidhart + Schön Group AG has not tested the websites linked to Neidhart + Schön Group website and is not responsible for their content or for the products, services or other offers they include.